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As part of our offer, schools can choose blocks of short term intervention to support any learner that is in need. Usually interventions are delivered over a half term period with a set objectives. The interventions are targeted and always provide the “Next steps for learning”.


Intervention blocks can be booked at a cost of 5 sessions.


All Interventions will take place at your setting at a convenient time negotiated with your Woodbridge staff. We encourage staff from schools and setting to observe the intervention so that we are able to build capacity and have lasting impact.


The total cost of the intervention includes planning, the intervention itself and the write up including strategies to use going forward.


Traded interventions and support can be included in your individual provision mapping and costs. Interventions can be booked as single sessions or on a half term block of 5 weeks, or a longer, ongoing bespoke intervention if required.


For further information please contact us at:

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Anxiety and mental wellbeing

Supporting pupil’s to recognise and manage symptoms of their anxiety and wellbeing. This work involves increasing understanding of the brain and body responses to emotions and stress, offering strategies to help and support pupils in the development of resolution.

Attention 4 Learning

Provides an irresistible opportunity to learn, enabling natural and spontaneous communication through the use of visually based and highly motivating activities. Through 4 stages the early fundamentals of language including awareness of others, attention, listening, shared attention, switching attention and turn-taking are developed which are key to support learning.

Attention and engagement

Focuses on developing a shared exploration of the world. The emphasis is on enhancing pupil attention and anticipation through supporting the development of listening, attention and early communication skills through making choices through intensive interaction techniques.

Barrier Games

Barrier games are a fun, engaging and motivating way to develop children’s speaking, listening and turn taking skills. The intervention focuses on pupil’s spoken language skills and involves simple activities developing interaction skills whilst using language to complete tasks.

Blank Levels

Blank's Levels of Questioning is built around four stages of questioning, which become progressively more complex, moving from relatively simple, concrete questions to more complicated, abstract queries. Our intervention will assess the children’s Blank level of understanding and then sessions will focus on consolidating and developing speaking and listening skills using Blank Level activities, visuals and resources at their level of ability.

Capturing Curiosity

Encouraging pupils to become more curious exploring interactions and the world. Helping pupils to learn and flourish in the world so that they are able to continually grow, learn and question what is around them by developing imagination and sense of creativity.

Comic Strip Conversations

Comic strip Conversations (developed by Carol Gray) are a visual way to help explore a young person's thoughts and feelings about a situation. This intervention can help support pupil’s to understand other peoples perspectives, and help them to consider resolution so they are able to consider their future reactions in similar situations.

Conversation skills

This intervention is aimed at developing the knowledge and skills that pupils require in order to engage successfully in a conversation with others. It focuses on skills such as conversation starters, understanding, interpreting and using body language, identifying and maintaining topic, recognising and repairing conversations and how to end a conversation.

Conversation train

This is a structured intervention focusing on developing the skills of a conversation that is suitable for KS1 and KS2 pupils. The intervention will focus on sentence starters, taking turns, changing the subject as well as exploring what happens when a conversation goes off track.

Developing language and vocabulary (Rhodes to language)

Vocabulary is the building blocks that we use to express our thoughts and ideas, share information, understand others and grow personal relationships. Our bespoke intervention develops pupil’s language comprehension, developing a rich vocabulary knowledge and use, using games and activities.

Drawing and Talking

Drawing and Talking Therapy is the number one alternative to CBT and direct talking therapies, that can often be confronting or limiting in the processing of pain or trauma. As an attachment-based therapeutic intervention, Drawing and Talking Therapy is designed to complement CAMHS and other specialist therapies.

Drawing and Talking allows individuals to discover and communicate emotions through a non-directed technique, setting it apart from existing solution-focused and cognitive-based therapies and interventions.

How a Drawing and Talking session works:
Create a safe space: a time-limited approach. We will meet your learner for 45 minutes each week, during a 12-week intervention. We will ask a number of non-intrusive questions about their drawings, and over time a symbolic resolution is found to conflicts and trauma begins to heal.


Empathy is our feeling of awareness towards other people’s emotions and an attempt to understand how they feel. This intervention focusing on supporting pupils to develop an awareness and sensitivity of other people’s thoughts, feelings and emotions

Executive Function

Executive function is a set of skills that include, working memory, flexible thinking and self-control. These skills involve planning ahead, displaying self-control, following multiple-step directions and remaining focused. Our intervention will help to develop strategies to improve executive function skills, looking at: Organisation skills, Task initiation skills, Time management, Planning, Emotional control and Self-monitoring

Fine Motor Skills

This intervention focuses on supporting pupils with their fine motor skills. This includes improving their ability in, and persistence with, fine motor tasks that are required for academic, play and life skills. We offer a bespoke, personalised intervention to support children’s development in this area.

Food widening / Improving food selectivity

This intervention will support young people who have restricted/avoidant food intake. The intervention aims to regularly expose the young person to small samples of varied food types and gradually introduces them to the food using a staged approach which eventually results in them tasting new foods.

Friendships and relationships

This intervention will support pupils to develop a deeper understanding of the qualities of friendships and explore ways of making and keeping friends. Pupils will widen their vocabulary connected with friendships and will develop their ability to engage in conversation with peers. It will also support pupils with strategies for conflict resolution.

Grief and loss

Grief is very personal and how everyone responds to a bereavement varies. For this reason the intervention support will be tailored to each pupil. Our Grief and loss intervention will support the pupil with an opportunity to communicate and express their feelings freely. Allowing them to process their loss and begin their own grief journey.

Inappropriate Behaviours

This intervention is tailored to the individual circumstances of pupils and their behaviours. Pupils are taught the meaning of the terms “appropriate” and “inappropriate” and then consider how different behaviours in a range of situations. Possible outcomes and consequences for actions and strategies are investigated through discussion and visual activities.


Inference is the ability to gain full meaning from reading and develop key comprehension skills and strategies. In addition it focuses on developing conclusions using reasoning or evidence to read between the lines.

Joint attention /Interaction

Joint attention involves two people paying attention to the same thing, intentionally and for social purposes. This intervention focuses on increasing the pupil’s ability to share and attend on an object or area with another person e.g. following someone’s eye gaze or pointed finger to look at something.


This intervention focuses on understanding ‘what is journaling?’ It offers pupil’s a tool to express themselves when they are dealing with overwhelming emotions. It offers pupils the opportunity to gain emotional control and improve their mental health and well-being.

Lego Therapy

Lego therapy is an evidence based approach that aims to develop social communication skills. Our intervention will focus on developing turn taking, speaking, listening, and eye contact, problem solving and sharing whilst focusing on language concepts such as; size, prepositions and colours.


Metacognition is self-regulated learners being aware of their strengths and weaknesses, and can motivate themselves to engage in, and improve, their learning. Developing pupils’ metacognitive knowledge of how they learn, their knowledge of themselves as a learner, of strategies, and of tasks, is an effective way of improving pupil outcomes.

Mind Mapping and Graphic Organisers

Developing pupil’s ability to organise their thoughts, ideas and factual information. Presenting information visually in a logical and systematic way. Graphic organisers and mind maps support ‘sticky learning’, planning and organisation of writing and support effective revision.

Nursery narrative

This intervention uses practical and highly structured activities to develop early narrative skills. It uses colour coding symbols for individual story components and encourages creative thinking and imagination. The sessions focus on promoting expressive language skills, increasing vocabulary, developing listening and attention skills. The pupils have the opportunity to retell and generate own stories

Oral to written narrative

This intervention supports children to transfer oral narrative skills into a written format through the use of visual approaches and structure. Story components are broken down to develop children's understanding of a more detailed story framework in order to produce more complex stories both in an oral or written form. Pupils will have the opportunity to understand and interpret interpreting texts, developing speaking skills and confidence when retelling familiar stories

Peer Pressure and Bullying

This intervention can be tailored to the individual circumstances of the pupils. Pupils can find it challenging to identify and responding appropriately to incidences of bullying. In this intervention pupils consider how to recognise the differences between friendly, peer pressure or bullying behaviours and consider strategies that they can use in different situations relevant to their circumstances.

Pragmatic language

Pragmatic language involves our ability to use and understand body language e.g. gestures, facial expressions, eye contact, turn taking and the use of appropriate communication in different social situations. A bespoke intervention in this area can focuses on developing the ‘secret rules’ of social language. e.g. knowing what to say, how to say it and when to say it

Pre Teaching Vocabulary

Pre Teaching is facilitating the reading and understanding of new vocabulary / topics. It reduces the number of unfamiliar words encountered and supports greater understanding. Our visual approach to learning new vocabulary with the help of prompt cards and concept maps. This approach supports pupil engagement during lessons.

Precision Teaching

Precision teaching is a structured teaching method that is designed to improve the accuracy and fluency of reading, spelling and maths. The main goal of precision teaching is to target and improve specific skills. This is a highly focused, evidence-based intervention where modelling of precision teaching can then be delivered daily by a member of staff in school / settings.

Preparing for Exam Success

This intervention is aimed at students in years 10, 11, 12 and 13. Pupils may need additional explicit teaching of revision skills organisation and prioritising subjects. In this intervention students consider a range of revision strategies suited to the subjects that they are studying including effective use of mind-mapping, cue cards and revision apps. This intervention also looks at creating bespoke revision timetables, skills to prioritise revision time and provides pupils with some relaxation exercises.


This intervention highlights the benefits of being resilient through promoting healthy habits, which involves being able to regulate emotions during times of stress. The importance of being flexible and adaptable whilst facing challenges will be highlighted to the pupils and individual strategies shared.

Self Esteem

Self-esteem is how we value and perceive ourselves. Our intervention focuses on developing social relationships, improving physical and mental health to improve levels of self-esteem. Pupils learn to zone in on their own strengths to empower themselves and reduce any negative thoughts.

Sensory Strategies

This focuses on a specialist observation of the child/YP in the classroom/school setting followed by modelling a range of sensory activities to promote Sensory Harmony within the child. The activities include alerting, organising and calming movements in order to develop the attentional focus of pupils and support them to engage in lessons. Pupils can gain an understanding of how to self-regulate their responses to sensory information. For our younger pupils these activities can be modelled to staff in school / settings.


Sequencing involves pupils’ ability to understanding information and the idea that things have an order. Developing pupils’ understanding of ordinal language, using visual approaches and recognising patterns to support their ability to predict and manage expectations.

Sex and Relationship Education

This intervention can be tailored to the individual circumstances of the pupils. Some pupils may find mainstream sex and relationships lessons challenging and require additional input to support their understanding. This intervention can support your Sex and Relationships curriculum through pre or post teaching of terminology and concepts, or through targeting specific areas such as: exploring different types of relationships; understanding consent; appropriate and inappropriate behaviours; puberty; family planning; or social media.

Social skills

To develop confidence in interaction with peers by understanding body language and facial expressions. Using expressive and receptive language to promote positive communication. Being aware of what are socially acceptable and unacceptable behaviours.

TEACCH Approach

This highly structured and visual approach to learning support pupils with social, communication and interaction needs become flexible and independent in the classroom setting. The pupil is given a set of achievable and accessible tasks with an identified reward system in place. This flexible approach supports the pupils in their attention, executive function and access to learning.

The engagement model

A structured assessment focusing on the development of a pupil-centred approach that focuses on abilities rather than differences, enabling pupils' achievements and progress to be measured over time. The engagement model is aimed at children who are not yet meeting pre key standard stage 1. The engagement model focuses on five different areas; exploration, realisation, anticipation, persistence and initiation.

Theory of mind

Theory of mind is our ability to understand other people’s thoughts, beliefs, wants, emotions and intentions. It is an important social cognitive skill that enables pupils to have successful interactions with others.
This intervention will look at strategies to develop the skills to understand other people’s thoughts, feelings and emotions and know appropriate responses.

Therapeutic Play

Why Therapeutic Play?

Therapeutic Play helps children who struggle with managing their social and emotional responses. Play sessions will support children to learn adaptive behaviours so they can manage and survive socially in today’s world.

This therapeutic technique can also be used to provide children with insight about the problems that they are facing and support them in finding various solutions.

Therapeutic Play is also known to promote language, communication and cognitive development as well as focussing on a child’s self-esteem.

Some examples of our techniques can include; sensory and play, drama and roleplaying, arts and crafts, storytelling, sand pits and mosaics.

Therapeutic Story Writing

Therapeutic story writing is an interactive and creative way to support children’s emotional literacy and academic skills.

It uses the metaphor in stories to support children whose emotional and behavioural difficulties are impacting their engagement. It can also support pupils who have suffered a loss or a traumatic experience to express their feelings in a safe way.

Children co-create stories that will empower them to address emotional issues in a way that does not overwhelm the child and gives time and space to explore obstacles they feel are barriers to their learning.

Think it, don’t say it

This intervention teaches us that before we speak, we consider the possible emotional impact of our thoughts and words on others. Pupils will be taught to recognise when something said may cause offense or hurt others. The concept of ‘think it don’t say it’ will be explicitly taught as a social skill.

Time/before and after/parts of the day/same and different

Using a variety of games and activities, this bespoke intervention develops an understanding of these essential basic concepts.


Structured and planned sessions to support a positive transition whilst preparing pupils for entering High School. It promotes pupil’s well-being so that they feel positive, safe and have a successful move from Primary to Secondary education.

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